For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45
We have plenty of ways to get involved in both our community, and our church! Whether you're interested in joining our greeting team or are looking for something more behind-the-scenes, we have a place for you. Here are just a few of our volunteer opportunities!
Care Team
Our Care Team is often the first team you encounter at Liberty Church. This team includes our parking lot attendants, greeters, and offering collectors. The Care Team is always on hand to help you feel at home!
Worship Team
Worship is something our church is very passionate about! If you have an eagerness for music and want to grow in that area, we would love to have you on our Worship Team. With a Night of Worship once a month and worship every service, there's ample opportunity to be part of this talented team!
Capture Team
If you are interested in photography, experienced or not, Liberty's Capture Team is the perfect place for you. This incredible team takes photos for our services, community events, mission trips, and more.
Liberty Kids
Liberty Church has a wonderful Children's Ministry! This ministry is for infants up to 5th grade. We are always looking for more members of the Kingdom to serve the Lord by helping serve children. If you are interested there are more details on our Liberty Kids page!
Events & Projects Team
Here at Liberty we have a lot of events going on throughout the year! Being on this team you will be involved with concerts, parties, fun days, and other special events.
Men's Ministry
If you're interested in joining a group of Christian men, this is the ministry for you! Our men's ministry has events and meetings every month to grow in fellowship and be more like Jesus.
TA Team
The Tech Arts Team is the team to be on if you love working with computers, lights, and video editing. A lot of what we do here at Liberty relies on this team. Whether you have experience working in a sound booth or are new to the world of tech, we're happy to have you join our team!
Ladies Ministry
We have a very active ladies ministry here at Liberty Church! From coffee shop hangouts to Christmas parties, we love spending time with our fellow Liberty Ladies.
Elevate Students
Elevate Student Ministry is our ministry for students in middle and high school; they are such a huge part of Liberty's culture! If you enjoy fun, community, and Jesus then this is the team for you. Visit our Elevate Students page for more information.
College & Careers (C2)
At Liberty, it's our heart to make sure that every part of our church family is taken care of! Our College and Careers Ministry, or C2, is designed to minister to single adults up through the age of 30. It's so important to find people that are in the same stage of life to encourage and strengthen us, and this group does just that. Whether it's a Bible study, a meal together, or even a fun road trip, C2 is always on the move.
Liberty College of Biblical Studies
At Liberty Church, we strive to provide ample opportunities to learn and grow in your faith. We partner with Liberty College of Biblical Studies to offer specialized courses designed to further your understanding of scripture and theology.
Hospitality Team
More of a behind-the-scenes “care team”. They are the people who love to help others by making meals, visiting people in hospitals, sending cards, and supporting in more of a personal way on a day-to-day basis. Find out how you can get involved with this team by contacting us today!
Church Beautification Team
If you love gardening, keeping plants alive, and caring for flowers, this team is for you! These members come out and water flower beds, re-plant plants, and make sure the outside of Liberty Church looks beautiful!
North of 50
Our North of 50 ministry provides a space for individuals ages 50 and over to connect, share experiences, and cultivate meaningful relationships both within the church and with the wider community. This group offers opportunities to find connection, inspiration, and purpose as they navigate this stage of life with faith and joy.
Church Grounds Maintenance Team
Our Church Grounds Maintenance Team is dedicated to ensuring our church grounds look clean and pristine! This team handles the heavy labor of helping maintain the landscape of Liberty by trimming hedges and supporting the Beautification Team.
At Liberty Church, our missions team is dedicated to spreading the word of God throughout His creation. We partner with Living Water in Albania and Guatemala to meet the needs of the people and encourage discipleship.
Small Groups
Our Liberty Church small groups is the place to be if you're trying to grow in your faith on a smaller scale. Our small group seasons run during the spring and fall, but groups meet all year round! This allows you to make connections with others at Liberty outside of a Sunday morning or Wednesday night service!
Volunteer FAQ
How do I volunteer?
We have a lot of different areas to volunteer at Liberty. To become an official volunteer, we do request that you attend the Growth Track Course which is offered several times a year. This gives you a good idea of our vision and mission, and lets you decide where you would most like to serve in the church.
How do I volunteer with kids?
There are a lot of great opportunities to work with the kids who attend Liberty Church! For all Liberty Kids workers we require a background check in addition to the Growth Track Course. Safety is so important with our kids. For more information, contact Pastor Autumn!
How do I volunteer with the worship team?
If you haven't already noticed by attending a service, we love to worship God! After becoming a member through our Growth Track Course, you'll want to connect with Anna Hunt for further steps. Our praise team generally meets weekly to practice, fellowship, and be ready to lead our congregation into worshiping the Lord with excellence.
How do I volunteer with students?
If there was only one stage of life that most would consider to be the most impressionable, it has got to be the teen years! In Elevate Student Ministries, we primarily minister as couples to students ranging from 6th grade through 12th grade. For more information, contact Pastor Ian!