

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

- Matthew 6:21
It's generous people like you who make what we do here at Liberty possible! 
Important Update: New Online Giving Platform
As we are making the switch to using Planning Center Online (PCO), we are also moving our giving services from Subsplash to PCO Giving.
What This Means For You
  • If you currently have a Subsplash giving account, you will need to create a new account with PCO Giving.
  • For those with automatic recurring payments set up through Subsplash, please note that these will not transfer automatically. You will need to set up new recurring payments through PCO Giving. Subsplash Giving will be disabled as of April 1, 2025.
Action Required
It's easy to ensure you can continue giving! Here are three simple steps:
  1. Create a new account on PCO Giving by clicking HERE
  2. Set up your preferred payment method
  3. If applicable, establish new recurring payment schedules
We appreciate your patience during this transition. If you need help setting up your new giving account or have questions about the new platform, please call our office at (252) 447-7839 or email [email protected] .

Thank you for being so faithful in your giving.

Ways To Give

Giving online is simple and fast! We make sure that any online transaction is secure and keep close records for giving statements at the end of each year. Click here to give today!

Text to Give

To get started, text the amount you want to give to 84321. If you haven't made an account with our giving system yet, you can set one up today.

Give In Person

During almost every service we will offer opportunities to give, and also teach on it. Jesus spoke often about our finances, so we think it's important to have a biblical view on it as well. God loves a cheerful giver!

Mail A Check

If you prefer to give using checks, that's no problem at all! Simply mark it as tithe, offering, or whatever other designation you'd like to use and mail to:
Liberty Church
81 Shepard Street
Havelock, NC 28532